Terralift Aeration
Restoring Septic System Efficiency
Terralift Aeration
The Terralift aeration procedure is also effective in restoring fields that are failing due to a select fill issue. The Terralift septic field restoration procedure is extremely successful when done properly by an experienced environmental contractor. It is essential that the on-site wastewater system is thoroughly inspected so that any malfunctions can be addressed and corrected. Statewide Environmental Services LLC performs the Terralift procedure in three steps.

Step 1 — Pumping the Tank
Your holding tank must be pumped. If your field is extremely saturated and water is running back into your tank, it must be pumped until the water flow ceases. A camera locator is entered into the inlet and outlet piping to visually inspect and accurately locate the pipes. If applicable, your distribution box is located, uncovered, and inspected. The camera locator is then placed inside all laterals for visual inspection and accurate location.
Locating laterals and marking the field prevents the Terralift probe from coming into contact with the laterals or being inserted outside of your absorption field.

Step 2 — Hydro Jetting the Lines
All accessible lines and laterals are low-pressure hydro-jetted to remove any clogs or debris sitting inside them. Use of a low-pressure jetting system is essential. The low-pressure system avoids damage to the fragile laterals and maintains the integrity of the fill material located underneath and around the perforated pipe.
Any waste product or biomat material that is evacuated from your septic lines during the hydro-jetting procedure will be pumped back into your septic holding tank. This is done to avoid the waste from reentering your septic field.

Step 3 — Fracturing the Soil
The Terralift’s probe is inserted into various locations at varying depths to fracture the soil with controlled bursts of compressed air. Aeration locations are site specific.
Soil fracturing addresses the two major deficiencies that occur in the drainage fields: biomat and compact fill. The machine breaks up the black, tar-like substance, commonly referred to as “biomat.” It is also used when the select fill has failed and compacted, forming a barrier through which water cannot penetrate. EcoHancer is then introduced to promote rapid growth of naturally- occurring bacteria.
“We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you once again. You made building our home a wonderful experience. You were patient, knowledgeable, flexible, and your quality of work exceptional. We would recommend you to all our friends and family because our experience was that good.”
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